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Samuel Johnson and Love
Celine Luppo McDaid, Director of Dr Johnson's House, speaks on Johnson and Love, and asks how does one define 'love'?

The House of Words Update - Winter 2024
As the end of another year approaches, it is time to reflect on progress made in the last 18 months, as well as the challenges of the future

The Great Fire of London - Impact and Rebuild
Thursday 27 February, 12.30 - 1.45pm. Free (booking fee). The story, impact and legacy of September 1666.

Museum Lates at Dr Johnson's House
Thursday 20 February, 5.30 - 7pm. £15 (booking fee). Enjoy an evening in Dr Samuel Johnson's house and explore his wonderful world of words!

London's Libertine Women: Sex and the City
Thursday 13 February, 6 - 8pm. £15 (booking fee). Join Dr. Julie Peakman for an evening exploring London's libertine women.

Coffee Morning at Dr Johnson's House
Wednesday 5 February, 10 - 11am. £15 (booking fee). Join us for Coffee with the Curator at Dr Johnson's House!

Bluestockings: The First Women’s Movement
Thursday 6 March, 6 - 8pm. £15 (booking fee). Susannah Gibson will explore the Bluestocking and the foundations for modern feminism.

The Life and Exploits of “Faithful Servant Frank”
Thursday 30 January, 12.30 - 1.30pm. Free (booking required). The story of Francis Barber and his life around Fleet Street.

Museum Lates at Dr Johnson's House
Thursday 23 January,
5.30pm - 7pm.
£15 (booking fee).
Enjoy an evening in Dr Samuel Johnson's 17th-century house

Museum Lates at Dr Johnson's House
Thursday 20 March. 5.30 - 7pm. £15 (booking fee).
Enjoy an evening in Dr Samuel Johnson's 17th-century house with a glass of bubbly!

Gin & Georgian London: A Spirited Evening
Wednesday 26 March, 6pm - 8pm. £25 (booking fee). Enjoy gin, history, and tasting at Dr Johnson’s House!

The City of London Police in WWII
Thursday 27 March, 12.30 - 1.45pm. Free (booking required). Explore the impact WWII had on the City of London and its police force.

Tetty Johnson
When Samuel Johnson married Tetty, in 1735, their partnership was not celebrated, Tetty was in her forties and a widow.

Georgian Christmas
Christmastime in Samuel Johnson’s life looked slightly different from how we now celebrate the festive period today.

Dr. Johnson's House and the Firemen's Club
For three years during the Second World War, Dr. Johnson’s house played the unexpected role of a social club for local firemen.

Festive Special Lecture
Thursday 12 December. 12-12.30pm. Free (booking required). A Festive edition of our lecture series exploring Christmas time in Johnson's era

Free Family Fun Morning at Dr Johnson's House
Saturday 7 December, 10am - 12pm. Free (booking required). Play word games, write with a quill and ink, dress up and treasure hunt trail.

The Cock Lane Ghost
The Cock Lane Ghost: the sensational haunting gripped London in 1762

Francis Barber, Dr Johnson’s House and Black History
the House has one remarkable story which is still not as well known as it deserves: it is about the life of Francis Barber.
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