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It’s your chance to vote – now and every day!
General Elections may be few and far between. However, here in the Dictionary garret we’ll be inviting you to cast your vote on every...

Our Patron, Stephen Fry, Ruminates on the Meaning of Desks at the Launch for Desks, Drudgery and the Dictionary
To learn more about how the Dictionary was made, the people who helped Johnson make it, and the supposed 'Dictionary Desk' visit Dr...

What's arriving in Gough Square?
Something is being picked up from Oxford and arriving in Gough Square to sit where angels used to take tea, any ideas? #DictionaryDesk...

Professor Tim Wilson's Take on the Returning Desk
Click here to check out Prof. Wilson's thoughts on the 'Dictionary Desk' returning to Dr Johnson's House on loan from Pembroke College,...

The Real Deal Deal Desk?
From July 3rd 2024, visitors will be able to come and see the desk on which Johnson was said to have written his celebrated Dictionary....

Samuel Johnson’s Garret Lexicography: Desks, Drudges and the Dictionary opens 3 July
This summer, visit our exhibition showcasing new aspects of Johnson's garret lexicography, exploring why the garret was so important in...
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