Nineteen workshops have been offered since Januray 2024, including six visits from the City of London Boys School and three from American Universities. One lecture was given via Zoom to students of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. A series of workshops were also tailor-made for a collaboration of Home-Schooled children, from language and literacy to Black History, with a focus on the use of primary evidence as a tool of research.

We partnered with LandSec, a developer in the area, and the nearby Show Lane Library to deliver a full-day’s workshop for sixth-form students from Enfield as part of the Careers Festival. Talks were delivered by our Director, Shoe Lane’s Librarian, and a range of LandSec professionals and students then had to draw up plans for a proposed development in Gun Powder Square, where the library will find a new home. The challenges of designing major buildings that meet current environmental, community and cultural impact expectations as well as business outcomes was explored in detail. Students then developed and presented plans for the new Library to meet these challenges, focusing on appropriate language for presentation and persuasion.
In September, we will also commence a learning review sponsored by the City of London's Creative and Culture Learning Fund that will seek to assess our current programmes, consult with current and potential new users and develop new programmes.