Lunchtime Lectures - Dr Johnson's House Series
Thursday 28 November
12.30pm - 1.30pm
Free (booking required)
These lectures form an annual programme of monthly lunchtime lectures to be held here at Dr Johnson's House, kindly sponsored by The Fleet Street Quarter BID.
Samuel Johnson was not a passionate theatregoer as his poor eyesight made it difficult for him to see the stage. Nevertheless, like most Georgian Londoners, he was sometimes to be seen in Drury Lane, Covent Garden and the Haymarket, because theatre was the main form of mass entertainment. Theatre historian Robert Whelan will be considering what these theatres were like.
Robert Whelan
Robert Whelan is the editor of The Wildean, the journal of the Oscar Wilde Society, and the archivist of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket. He is the author of The Other National Theatre: 350 Years of Shows in Drury Lane and Shakespeare Spelt Ruin: The Life of Frederick Balsir Chatterton, Drury Lane's Last Bankrupt.
Lunch will be served at this event: please let us know 48 hours in advance, via an Eventbrite message, if you have any specific dietary requirements or have any allergies.